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24® Game DOUBLE DIGITS editions back in stock!!!

24® Game Classroom Activities

Activity—Fact finding

Editions used: Add/Subtract; Multiply/Divide; Fractions Primer (1 Dot cards only)

Give each student a card to solve. Ask a volunteer to write the target number and fact from his or her card on the board. Ask the class if anyone has a card with the same target number, but with a different fact. Have students give other possible facts that are not on their cards. This encourages all students to participate.

This variation can be done in small groups. Each group has a small deck of cards. One student chooses a target number and everyone in the group searches for cards with the same target number. Students work together to solve the cards, then create a chart listing all the facts from the cards they solved. For further challenge, have students in the group list other facts not found on the cards.

Activity—Reverse facts

Editions used: Add/Subtract; Multiply/Divide; Fractions Primer (1 Dot cards only)

For additional challenge, ask students to write down the REVERSE fact after they have solved the card. For example, if the answer to the correct wheel is 4 + 2 = 6, the student could write 6 – 2 = 4 or 6 – 4 = 2.

